Monday, September 12, 2011

We now return to your regularly scheduled randomness

I can't even believe September is half over, you guys. Where did this month go? It's been so hectic around here that I can barely think straight, but I think things are finally settling down again and I can start getting back into a pattern for my life in general. Which is good.

I have four more outfits from the old house after this post (I know, I stockpile photos like it's the end of the world), so I'm hoping to double post a bit this week to get those all knocked out. Which means I'll start having to actually plan outfits again, instead of wearing repeats and not photographing them like I have been for the past two weeks. Oops.

dress: Target
blazer and necklace: New York & Company
shoes: Payless
watch: Walmart

Do you like the little photo collage ganged shot thing? It's a technique I saw Sorren do before, and I really like being able to show some of the smaller details of an outfit, so I kind of copied riffed on the idea. Thanks for the inspiration, Sorren!

We went to my friend Stephanie's wedding this weekend (I only have one outfit shot, but I'll probably post it later this evening). It was a blast! I ran into an old acquaintance from my freshman year at OU (talk about a small world!) and basically just danced all night with a great group of people. I love weddings.

And I would feel like a complete jerk if I didn't acknowledge yesterday's anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the attack...I wrote a little blurb for work about my memories of the day. I was 13. My aunt lived and worked in Manhattan. Thankfully, she was unharmed that day, but the terror my family felt as we waited to hear from her was beyond belief. It's amazing how drastically your life can change in the span of just a few minutes or hours. I still get chills every time I think about that day.

Sorry...I didn't really want to end this post on a sad note. Warning: abrupt change of subject ahead. Check back later today for a post with wedding photos!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blazer, great way to class up a little sun dress. Your hair looks really nice too!


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