Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I survived!



t-shirt, Old Navy: Old Navy
polo, heels: Target
necklace: InPink
bracelet: don't remember

So the title of today's post applies to several things. First and foremost, I survived my sister's bachelorette party! It was so much fun, and well worth the time and effort I put into making sure it would be a great night for everyone. Fortunately, the bride-to-be survived as well ;)

I also survived that wicked cold that's been plaguing me for the past week or two. Only I found out yesterday that it wasn't a cold, it was my first-ever sinus infection. Let me tell you. Sinus infections are the absolute worst. Give me the flu any day; at least that's usually over with in a day or so.

Anyway, I'm on antibiotics and my way to recovery. Which is fortunate, because from now until the end of August, I have another bachelorette party, three weddings (two of which I'm a bridesmaid/maid of honor in), a sister's 21st birthday (not the one who's getting married, haha!), and a trip to Cedar Point. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had an awesome time! I had my first sinus infection a few months ago and it's pretty hellish. I actually called into work sick and I never do that unless I'm sick to my stomach. The meds help a lot though :)


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