Around this time I typically give up, telling myself lies like "I work better under pressure anyway" and "This will be really easy to knock out in half the time you were given to write it." (If my editor happens to be reading this, please know that I actually started this one wayyy earlier than I usually do with stories...I may even turn in the first two of my three stories early. So that's good!)
Here's where I parcel out the work I have remaining and realize I'm going to be dropping absolutely everything for the next several days, or in this case, week.
I'd also like to point out that in the nearly 10 years I've been writing for print sources and websites, I have yet to actually miss a deadline. So that's good, too.
Disclaimer: None of those drawings are mine. Not one. Please don't think I'm stealing or being otherwise sneaky. If you like that content, buy Allie's book or visit her blog. Because they rock.
Hilarious, because it's true.