Friday, January 31, 2014

Fiscal Fridays: January clothes budget

Ok so right up front, I'm going to say that most of what I bought this month won't be appearing on the blog. Because the majority of my budget was spent on socks and underwear. And socks are too boring to show, and there's no way in heck I'm showing you guys my underwear :P I also bought a swim cap that I may or may not end up keeping; I'm taking swim lessons at my gym and hope to replace the treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike with swimming laps!

Anyway, the one thing I got that I will show you is a sweet pair of Prana pants, in anticipation of climbing/hiking season! I'm a few months away, but I just can't wait for the weather to be warm enough to break them in!


I got them on sale at The Clymb, which means they're probably discontinued from Prana itself. They zip away at the knee, which is perfect for hiking. Keep 'em long in the woods, then zip 'em off once you get to the crag. They were $34.98. (If you like these, you can still find them on Amazon for significantly more than I paid.)

The rest of my budget breaks down thusly:
- $16.31 on long- and short-cuff socks at Target
- $39.75 on underwear at Victoria's Secret. It was the semi-annual sale, and I might have gotten a little purchase-happy...ha
- $8.22 on a swim cap from Amazon

Total $99.26. A whole 74 cents under budget, woohoo! How'd you do on your clothes budget? And hey, don't forget to share with Franziska's Budgeting Bloggers link-up!


  1. Wow, what chic pants. Nice purchase Oh, and you can show us your "socks and underwear," especially the splurge at VS! (Just teasing.)

    You remind me of early in my blogging when I was hyper-eager to show off several new panties I'd bought at Sear's (they were cheap but had cute images on them, like Tinkerbell and Betty Boop). After much internal debate, I came upon a solution -- I photographed them OFF my body, which displayed the panties without scaring my readers. I realized that, as eager as I was to share my feminine adventures, there's a limit to what other people want to see. *sigh*

  2. Haha I didn't want to even mention "underwear" when I bought it (like it's taboo?!) so I made a point not to even include it in my monthly budgets...but hey we all need it! I had some asesome VS coupons a while back and got my stash. Love their stuff!

  3. Well, I don't know why you wouldn't want to show us your underwear - just kidding :) I have a VS giftcard burning a hole in my pocket that I need to use!

    I like those pants a lot. I went hiking a few weeks ago and I wish I had something similar to wear. I'm sure you'll get a ton of use out of them!


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